Thursday, May 1, 2008

Welcome to the New Blog!!

So after a lot of changes and editing to the new setup of the updates section, I have decided to make it more user friendly for me, as I am not the most computer literate person on the planet by any means. A huge thank you to Kim for all of your help!!!

I apologise for the hiatus in updates as well, as it has been a while in trying to get the other system to work before I just decided to change it all together.

With that being said, I want to get back to what is going on here at Heather's Herps.

The Fridge incubator is FINISHED!! (Photos to be posted soon) I have yet to set it up, as I have a Big Apple Herp running for the first clutches.


I have gotten two clutches as of today, one from the Pied male to a Het Female with a beautiful 6 eggs, and a Black Pastel to a Normal clutch with a group of 4 large eggs. I am very excited that I finally have something on the ground at this point, and hopefully will have more to share in the next coming weeks.

We have also recently acquired an Enchi male, who is a great animal and I am very excited to put him to work with some ladies!!

Today, we are also expecting a Sable to come into the mix as well.

I am very happy with how things are going, and hope that all is well out in the world with you all as well.

Thank you very much for checking in, and more information and photos to come soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Heather, I cannot wait to see what you have comin!!!!!!
