Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Is it Werewolves that die with the Silver Bullet?

I forget...

But I know who has one!!!

I've had some bad luck with this clutch, and I lost the only Pewter in the egg, so I am hoping and praying that this little guy comes out safe and sound...

I am also leaving this afternoon, so I'm a little anxious...

But I hatched one!! The Silver Bullet!! I missed out on any Super Cinnies, but I hatched out a Bullet. I'm not too upset over that, I suppose :)

To those of you who don't know, the Silver Bullet is a Super Cinnamon Pastel. So, the pairing was Pewter to Cinny, and I hit it! YAY!!

Now, I am not intending to kill any Werewolves with this critter. I plan on hiding it away and loving it and growing it and to keep it safe from harm.

So if I get faced with any half man, half wolf creatures, I may be in trouble.

Oh well. We'll get to that problem when the time comes.

I'm off to San Fran today, and tommorow, will be blogging from there. I think tommorow is an appropriate debut for the Snake Room, and I will also hopefully have more cool Marin area photos to share as well.

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrat Heather you deserve it. Have fun on your trip too.

