Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Good Friday, and I'm tired

So, it's Friday, the last day of the work week, and I am tired.

I have plenty of things to do this weekend, and lots of plans for things.

It is Good Friday as well.

Does that mean it will be good? I hope so!

I feel like these past few weeks I've been rushing thru things, and trying to get things in order.

I admit that I have yet to plug in the incubator, but they are in the house finally (covered in spiders...EWWWWWW. Joel had to clean them off)

I will address the incubator issue on Monday, I think.

As well as other things, if you so request.

If you can't tell, I am searching hard for things to talk about, but I honestly am very tired and can't come up with anything clever right now.

But I have to say, It would be rocking if I could get some Easter Eggs.

And if you out there in internet land get Easter eggs this Sunday, you'll have to let me know.

So I'm done rambling again, and I hope you have a fantastic weekend as well as a joyous and blessed Easter. Lets see some eggs, dangit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha! Easter Eggs! That would be awesome!

Could some of your females convince mine to lay? 'Cause...she's not listening to me. :P

Happy Easter!