Thursday, July 21, 2011
Clutch 10 hatched
Well this clutch completely blindsided me. I knew there were only three viable eggs, but I genuinely thought that the father of the clutch is the Silver Bullet.
It can't be the case however, since I got a normal and a Het Red Axanthic out of it. I have no idea what happened.
Apparently there was someone else involved, but I did get a Cinnamon Het Red Axanthic female out of it.
This gal will be held back and I will get to compare the colors and growth to her half-sister, the original Onyx.
The mother was the original Het Red Axanthic female that is technically my own line, although I didn't really name it.
Wong line?
I don't like that idea.
I'd rather have my own line of something new and exciting. I hope to make it happen eventually.
Fingers crossed for something cooooool.
Have a great day, my friends!
That is a pretty, pretty snake!