Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Het Red Combos

So I've been getting a lot of questions about Het Reds again, and I wanted to touch on it in a way that I have not already done so here

Het Red Axanthics are a base morph, and photos of said base morphs are on the link above. 
Here, we will explore the combinations of Het Red Axanthics. 

Yes, there is a Super, and it is referred to as a Red Axanthic. 
It is NOT recessive, it is a co-dom morph with recessive sounding title.
Just another way to confuse the public. 

Here is the Super form of a Het Red Axanthic. It is my Red Axanthic male. Does he look Red? Well, yes, compared to the recessive Axanthic. I am pretty sure I took a photo of the two side by side, but can't find it in the archives of my photos. 

Anyway, below is the Pastel Het Red. This is a double co-dom combination. Pastel x Het Red Axanthic. She's pretty, no?

 And of course, my gal... Chipo. 

This gal is my Onyx, and she is also a double co-dom combination. Black Pastel x Het Red Axanthic. 
I love this combination.

And the Pièce de résistance of my Het Red Axanthic collection, my male Pewter Gargoyle. This guy is a Pastel x Cinnamon x Het Red Axanthic. 

My Triple Crown boy... How I love thee, and hope that I will make more soon! He is shaping up very nicely. I will continue to share photos as he matures.

So there you go. 

Of course, I will be touching on a few other topics that have been requested of me, one of which is popping. That's going to be an interesting one. I'll need some photo help, but it will be done!


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