Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year's Eve!

I am super late on this one, but that is due to the fact that I actually had to go to work today.


So I went in, did my thing, and now am home, catching up on house and life stuff.

Happy New Year's Eve, my friends!

I was hoping to get into the room and clean out everything to make it fresh and new for the new year, but I think I was being overzealous.

My hope is to get that done this week, however.

Problem is, I have been allowing myself to get easily distracted, especially by movies and games.

I am officially addicted to several games, including Plants vs Zombies.

Yeah... I'm a dork.

So with the "free time" I have, I have been using it being rather non-productive, but it has been fun.

So of course, here we are, New Years eve, and I am playing video games and cleaning house.

Maybe tomorrow will be snake cleaning day...

Anyway, have a safe and glorious New Years, my friends.

I'll see you on the other side!

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