Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekend Appreciation

This week has been a week of trials and tribulations, my friends.

I missed a blog, I got sick, and even though I got eggs, I do not have much more to share over this past five working days.

I apologize for the lack of interesting topics and conversations this week.

My heart has just not been into it.

But this weekend should give me some time to relax and get back in gear.

I also hope to be able to report more eggs, although I don't anticipate any for the next few weeks.

As a good friend has said to me "It's hard to come up with something every day"

This is abundantly true.

This is also why I ask for topics to touch on, photos of animals you want to see, and so forth.

I do this for all of you, my loyal readers.

I hope you enjoy it!

So over the weekend, or even today, stew. Brew with ideas, come up with topics you want me to touch on, and help me get my writers block over with.

Have a fantastic weekend, my friends.


Colin Weaver said...

Even the most efficient machines need to be refueled from time to time.
Unplug and revel the in the mitosis taking place in those eggs.

Jackie M. said...

Actually, I was going to ask you about your camera. But you beat me to it! Thanks!