Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pics and Musings (Clutch #36)

So over the last few days, I have been swamped with things to help me get more organized. I am trying my darndest to get back into the right groove to know which way is up, but I've not had enough time to get my head on straight.

This gal echoes my sentiments exactly... Plus her head coloration and pattern are awesome.

Gotta love Super Pastels.

Anyway, with everything going on, I'm sure you guys noticed that I have been slacking on the clutch records and what has hatched and when.

I am actually getting a website revamp, and I am getting a page that will be dedicated to that exactly.


As of right now, the available page, which I am fully aware was horrible for anyone without a super fast computer, is now new! New program, more info, more cool stuff. HOORAY!

Take a look and let me know what you think. I haven't updated any of the animals into it yet, but hopefully I will be able to do so over the next few days.

Plus, everyone is extra chubby right now because of feeding, so I am going to wait for a few days for pictures so that the bulges go away.

And here is a picture of my holdback Black Pastel het Hypo. Random, yes, but I uploaded it, so I wanted to post her up.

The second to last clutch of the season has hatched out as of yesterday, and they look great! I didn't get my Lemonblast het Albino female, but I did get:

2.0 Lemonblast het Albinos
1.1 Pinstripe het Albinos
0.1 Het Albinos

So the last clutch is due to hatch in two weeks, and I can't wait to see what pips out. This will be a Sterling to Het Red... Pewter het Reds are awesome!

Have a great day, my friends.


Chris R said...

Available page looks good and what you have so far pops up instantly. The old page was pretty slow but always worth the wait. :)

Unknown said...

The Available page looks good! The links in the menu all point back to the Available page, though, just FYI.