Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Show Prep for Anahiem

I am buckling down, folks.

I don't think a lot of you are aware how difficult doing a show can be.

Yes, it's a lovely time with lots of fun and snakes and stuff, but what about the back end?

Let me share with you a little secret, my friends.

It's complex.

To vend, you need supplies. What types of supplies? Well, here is a short list in no particular order:

Something to be able to put the Banner up with
Something to cover the tables with
Acrylic Display Cases
Markers to mark the cases
Business cards
Hand Sanitizer
Receipt Book
Money for Change
A Computer or Way to accept Credit Cards
A Cooler of stuff to eat, cause you won't be able to move from your table
Cups and bags for selling snakes
The Snakes
Some type of record of each animal to help you tell which one is which
Your Sanity

And this is just a short list.

The cost to put on a show is large for breeders, even if they have most of this already prepared.
Time is valuable, and to plan doing a show is time well spent.

And of course, doing the show and talking and shmoozing and enjoying peoples company can be very tiring. I suggest an energy drink at around 2PM on the first day, and first thing in the morning on the second day. Donuts work well on Sunday Morning as well.

Don't get me wrong, it is a TON of fun, and I love doing it. It's just takes a lot of time to prepare for it correctly. It is much more difficult to get an item when you are stuck behind a table than it is to run around the week before to get it.

I will absolutely relish the opportunity to meet some of you loyal blog readers in person, as I have done many times before at shows. Please feel free to introduce yourselves!! I love connecting with my readers in person, I really do.

And by then, my hair will be less frazzled, my groove will be back, and I will be alright.

So bear with me, my friends. Tomorrow, I will be out and about, but there will still be a blog, just less likely to be mainly snake related, as I will be out of town on business. But I will have pictures to share of interesting stuff, and maybe some other news as well!

Have a fantastic week, my friends.

1 comment:

rex said...

Hang in there H! Good luck!