Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prayers Needed- Pro Exotics

Well, as you may or may not know, the Reptile Industry is a rather small community in the big picture of life. But if you have been around long enough, you get to know who has been around. People who have been in the business for a while, people who are just starting to get their names out there..

Lots of people with lots of things, making up an eclectic mix of reptile lovers and breeders.

So with that introduction, I want to dedicate this blog to a company that has been around for a while (way before I came onto the scene), one that has been devastated by a tragedy yesterday morning.

Pro Exotics Reptiles, an industry leader in the Desert game, had a horrible fire at their facility in Colorado, and lost their entire stock of animals as well as the building, which they shared with several other businesses. Over 3000 animals were lost in the blaze.

Read the Article here (Forgive the Bald Pythons...)

Watch the Interview with Chad and Robyn here.

It's a sad day when that many creatures lose their lives, as well as for the Breeders themselves. Chad and Robyn have been in the industry for almost 20 years, and they have managed many successes, many firsts. Now those animals are gone...

How would you feel if that happened to you?

I know I would be devestated, as well as heart broken.

So with that, please send all the healing and loving thoughts you can, prayers and well-wishes to Chad and Robyn at Pro Exotics.

Don't take anything for granted.

Have a great day, my friends.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I saw exactly one picture from that fire, and that was enough. I'm going to have nightmares as it is, and I'm heartbroken.