Thursday, July 3, 2008

The day before Independance Day

Independance Day...

I've been in several countries on this day back in the day.

One time, I was in Brazil as a health worker, completely cut off from most of the world, and I wondered what was happening over here in the US.

Another time, I was in China, and no one there even seemed to know...

BUT HERE IN THE USA? How can you forget it!! :)

I'm excited for this weekend. I get a long weekend, and my brother and mother are coming down to hang out!


So, snake stuff is probably going to be at a minimum, but I will see if I can get some pics up or get some type of interesting snake story up.

The eggs are still looking pretty shabby, and the next clutches in the line up aren't due to hatch until the next week, so... I'll try and come up with some fun things to share. I am due to take pics of stuff again soon anyway, so... yeah.

Here is the last of the acquisitions.. This is a female Yellowbelly, again, no name yet... So we will call her "Female Yellowbelly"

Hope you all have a safe and FUN July 4th, and please be careful out there...

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