Here are the pics.
For some reason, these eggs were not adhered together when I took them from the momma, and they ALL ROLLED before I could do anything.
Lets pretend you saw my face...
It was shock, mixed with Damnit, mixed with Not AGAIN!
Anyway, so I placed them in the box, and nervously candled them again and again.
There was a yellow band there with no veins, and then a bunch of veins on the other end.
Using my deduction, and my experience in embryology, I surmised that the veins should be UP!
So, that is what I did after 20 minutes of candling them. I saw the embyros (so I thought), and the little pocket of air on the top, so I THINK we should be good.
Progress on this clutch will be interesting to say the least.
So.... I think I love my Spider het Blurry girl. She is awesome. Here are some pics I took last night.
Hump day...
Fedex finally came thru, and Repster is a good thing!
The End
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