Thursday, April 15, 2010



We began May 1st, 2008, and we are still going strong.

I want to take this time to thank each and every one of you readers out there, from the loyal every day at 6:00 AM reader to the occasional check-in with the blog reader. 

I try and make this as interesting and worth coming back to as I possibly can, and I appreciate your reading what I have to say. 

I never really thought I would get this far, writing every day of the week for 500 posts.

Because of Ball Pythons, I can write and post every day. 
They are fascinating, amazing creatures, and they are my muse for what I post up. 
I see an animal in my collection and I take my photo, and there is the blog for the day.

Sometimes it is less interesting than others, and with writing every day, there is occasional writers block, but I have to say, I find inspiration with my animals, and with you, my readers.

I ask you what you want to read and I try my hardest to get it to you. 

Hopefully it has been working so far. 

The randomness that I share has also been fun, and the serious topics as well. I hope that what I do here has helped you care for your animals better, and understand the world of Ball Pythons just a bit more. 

And of course, the family...

Sometimes they appreciate being involved, sometimes not. But its fun for me to relive the blog over the years with photos as well.

Most of the time, it bores them. 

Thank you all for putting up with me. 

It's been fun, and lets hear it for another 500x500 posts!!!

Have an absolutely fantastic Five HUNDRED kind of day, my friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mouser!
I've always known that there's no stopping you when your mind or heart are set on something!
