Here is Black Jack, on a great hand of Black Jack. Isn't he handsome?
Oh Jackie, I took this photo before, but thought to wait until we came back from Vegas. Appropriate, right?
Anyway, we went to Vegas for the Vegas Reptile Show. It was fun to be out there, but the show was a tad bit small.
We showed up at around Noon to this.
A sprinkle of people there, a group of people here...
It was very easy to navigate thru the area, and to see who was there.
VPI was there, TSK was there, and a few others were there in terms of Ball Pythons.
After running around, Joel and I went to meet some friends. This is my friend Nile Monitor. The photo quality does suck a bit, but it gives you an idea of his size, and how much I had a blast holding him!
And a random Beardie that was hanging out on a table.
A Beautful Cherry Bomb Albino Blood Python on VPI's table.. (I wanted it)
Tom Baker was there with his Crystals. This is the Epic Pastel Crystal that he hatched out this year.
And because we were in another state, I got to see my favorite Exotic mammals again!
I got to play with Hedgehogs!! I miss Spike and Miss Piggy, and Kikosauce... Was kind of bittersweet, but they were fun! Shame they are illegal in California.
And I also got to play with FERRETS!! I would love to have one, they are so much fun! Such great cute faces and personalities and fuzzy trouble makers.. Too bad they are illegal in California too..
And there was a Kinkajou there at the show as well. Totally cute, but man oh man, what a ball of energy! These are also illegal in California, (of course) so I have actually only seen a few in person. This one being one of them. How cute is it???
I loved seeing it!
So after a bunch of talking and hanging with friends and playing with animals, we went to hang out with some local friends. We had a great time, and enjoyed every minute of it. We also did some family stuff with Joels family, and it was a great weekend.
So now, we are back in California, and it is RAINING! The boys are actually on break, so I will be pairing today again. Can't wait to see some boys being kicked into gear!
Have a fantastic day, my friends.
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