Friday, August 22, 2008

Freeeeeedom on Friiiiday!!!

It's Friday... WHEEW!

I am so glad for the weekend again. I feel like this week has been flying by, but I still haven't had time to relax. Its one of those things where I've been running around for so long, I can't wait to take a break. AND SLEEP IN!



I think there may be some egg related news soon, as the due dates on some are pretty close to approaching.

As for me and the Joel, thank you all for being so supportive and concerned. We are getting on our way to fixing things and solving the little things in our respective vehicles.

Onward Ho!

For the last photo of the week, I wanted to make it something most everyone loves.. Here they are, the PIEDS.

This is the 06' Father Pied with his 08' daughter Pied hatched out here. They are absolutely gorgeous, and I am so proud of having them.

Have a great weekend folks.. I know I'm gunna.

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