Thursday, April 16, 2009

Down to the Wire... And FRIEND Day!

Well, let me begin by saying that yesterday, I went out of my way to take my NO HR669 letters to the mail, completely forgetting it was, in fact, tax day as well, and the stupidest day to go to the post office.

BUT!!!! After 30 minutes waiting in line just to buy stamps, I was OUTTA THERE, and my letters are on their way to Tom Wolfe, the USARK Lobbiest.

This is the link I used to print out the 22 letters to each rep, and the information on what to do again.

And for good measure....

DO IT!!!


Hey look! It's Tim and Liza and "the rat" (aka Isabelle the Chihuahua). You can well expect that many jokes regarding her size comparison to a rat were thrown around.

Why were they here? Well, they came to California to pick up this beautiful specimen of an Ivory from a local dealer (not me..)

She is a little fiesty, but gorgeous none the less..

And a tad bit of nose rub.. No problem...

I love Ivories. I can't wait to produce my own soon!

So after they came and showed off their new prize, and their new fuzz daughter, we went to do one of the best things ever!!!

Doesn't it look great??? YEAH BOYEEE!!

And Lewie came, and he doesn't do sushi, so he had chicken. Mmmm Chicken.

And, we were at the bar, of course (the best place to be for All You Can Eat Sushi), so I took a picture... Joe was acting up.

And this time, I got more of the group that was with us in the photo. Hiyah Lew and Jaz, Liza and Tim, Joe and Joels head in the corner!

Good times had by all, Tim and Liza drove back to Vegas, and I passed out with a food coma.
Lewie and Jaz got their letters printed at my house for coming out, and they better send them TODAY!!!

So should you!
Its Thursday, I am gearing up for the weekend, and I am ready to relax already.
Lots of things should be happening soon in regards to my snake stuff, so keep your eyes glued to the screen!!!
Have a great day, my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had a great time Heather and we can't wait until you guys get to visit us in Lost Wages
