But let me recap the last few clutches for yall, cause I know I may have not shared photos.
The Pied clutch came out, and I am super happy with the results, my friends. Pied to Poss Het now proven, 1.3 Pieds, 0.2 twin ringer Het Pieds. YEAH BOY!!!
The twins came out at 28 and 29 grams respectively, and they are so adorably tiny that they won't be available for a while. But they are so cute and sweet, and ringers to boot!
And the Genetic Stripe to PH clutch that didn't prove, my 2.2 Hets from super awesome Gee Daddy are getting ready to shed. There is another clutch hatching right now from Genetic Stripe to PH (sister to this one), and unfortunately, it looks like she hasn't proven either.
But what is funny is, the last Genetic Stripe PH laid this weekend as well... Wierd and late, but hey, I'm not complaining. 3 HUGE Eggs.. Lets hope for more twins.
And last but not least, one of my last Albino clutches. 2.1 Hets, 2.1 Albinos... The ONLY female Albino this year so far. At least I got one!
So hopefully I will have more to share tommorow. Things are pipping and popping, so we shall see what comes out!!
Have a great week, my friends.
Congrats on a successful year! You must share your secret of pleasing the ball gods. I don't want anymore slugs! Congrats again!
I can't believe they're both ringers! That's crazy.
(And I love the pipping picture of the one on top mushing the other one's nose. SO CUTE.)
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