Granted, it is stressful, and I do have plenty of work to do reorganizing now that things are back in gear, but I really enjoy seeing and meeting people, sharing my love for the animals, and really just watching the interest and joy of people learning about snakes and reptiles!
So, since I was working more than exploring, and I didn't have my camera much, I actually just did this. These are the only pics I took of my table, and until I get the photos from other friends who took them, this is all I have to show for myself.
I took pictures of the children and families who took joy in holding some of the snakes that I produced.
How can you not feel a swell of pride in that?
Look how excited they are!!!
And oh my goodness if she wasn't so happy..
Kisses even?
And huge smiles...
Just warms your heart, doesn't it?
The Albinos were a huge hit with the Children, which doesn't surprise me, but the huge girls that I had were also crowd pleasers.
This is my friend Julio, and his new best friend. They formed a bond that was so sweet that he took her home. Gotta love that.
So, I hope to have some really cool morph photos to show you, and some more wild and crazy stories to share that come with it, but we will have to wait until tomorrow.
I wanted to take the time out and thank the people who came out and told me that they read the blog, which makes me very happy to know that I don't do this for nothing, and the friends that I made that came out and introduced themselves.
Thanks for my new customers and new friends, and for a rocking weekend!
Stay tuned for more!
OMG, the pastel I bought weighs 42 grams! She fits in a teacup! And she calmed down pretty quick--I think she was just hungry. Can I feed her mouse hoppers, or do I need to go smaller?
I would feed her a small rat pup. She had eaten on Tuesday, and because of being on display in the show, she was pretty stressed out. Mouse hoppers would work as well. Smaller wouldn't be necessary.
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